Energia eòlica ( molins de vent )
Wind mills: Wind energy mills are large structures intended for the production of energy thanks to the wind. They work by a mechanical system and an electrical generator to obtain a large production of electrical energy that can be used for consumption, ( and their energy are inexhaustible, primary, renewable and alternative). Wind energy is primary because it completes the first transformation, like nuclear heat. Wind energy is renovavle by the source that generates it, the force of the wind, is inexhaustible and regenerates constantlym without requiring a long period of time to become available again. Brief definition: - Adventages: Wind energy is a renewable energy source, does not pollute, is inexhaustible and reduces the use of fossil fuels, (and these are few than to wath there is) - Problems: It requires a large initial investment. When financing wind energy fields and wind turbies it may seem expensive and unprofitable. SOME CURIOSITIES ABOUT THE EOLIC ENERGI: ...
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